
Rap Damage
Thurston Moore / Dave Markey
Notes: This is a compendium of home-made films, mostly made in LA, by Thurston and Markey (Desperate Teenage Lovedolls, Lovedolls Superstar). There is a total of 4 films:
In Search of James Woods-- a wacky, potentially unwatchable road picture, featuring the presence of both Lou Reed & Kim Gordon;
Rap Damage -- the main feature length item here, with the handsome Maurice Menares as the psychotic sidekick/bunny to Thurston's evil Record Label President aura. This is an extremely wasted foray that goes about as far into Thurston's inner bulb of absurdity as you could hope to wander;
Grunge Pedal -- basically a Free Kitten promotional video, but so much more, redefining the scientific significance of Wasted Youth in all new social-pathological terms;
Skeeno H.C. Rules -- found footage of SY playing a Reno, Nevada hockey rink, broadcast to the soundtrack of a special audio recording of 7 Second's Skin, Brains, & Guts EP, by a band made up of Watt, Thurston, Dez, & Markey. Another one that perhaps only Susan Sontag could completely understand, but pretty goddamn weird nonetheless.
199? VC on Ecstatic Peace (E #30)