
Screaming Fields of Sonic Love
Sonic Youth
Teen Age Riot (From Daydream Nation) / Eric's Trip (From Daydream Nation) / Candle (From Daydream Nation) / Into the Groove(y) (From Ciccone Youth: The Whitey Album) / G-Force (From Ciccone Youth: The Whitey Album) / Beauty Lies in The Eye (From Sister) / Kotton Krown (From Sister) / Shadow of
a Doubt (From EVOL) / Expressway To yr. Skull (From EVOL) / Star Power (From EVOL) / Death Valley '69 (From Bad Moon Rising) / Halloween (From Bad Moon Rising) / Flower (From Bad Moon Rising) / Inhuman (From Confusion is Sex) / Making the Nature Scene (From Confusion is Sex) / Brother James (From Kill Yr Idols) / I Dreamed I Dream (From Sonic Youth EP)
Notes: A Geffen compilation of Sonic Youth's releases of the 80's. Compilation disc also included as a sampler on Washing Machine 2xCD (Geffen/Tours De Force, GEFD 24825, EC)
1994 CD on Geffen (GED 24809)